AbsinthTears Gaming

World Gaming Records that will NEVER be broken

Why you’ll never beat these times: Most people can’t even beat one of these games in under an hour, let alone all three. Good luck trying though.[/nk_text]

The Legend of Zelda (NES) – Extreme Challenge

The rules of the Zelda Extreme Challenge are so harsh, and it opens with leaving your sword behind as the quest begins. You cannot collect most treasures, you can’t accidentally kill overworld enemies, and you can only use bombs and fire on bosses.

Your quest ends when you encounter the final boss, who cannot be defeated without the treasures you’ve skipped. While you’ve certainly accomplished something, you’ll never know sweet victory. Only four people have completed the challenge in both the first and second quest modes. They didn’t save Hyrule, but they earned respect.

Why you’ll never beat Zelda Extreme Challenge: It’s like Ganon created it to ensure he always wins.

Call of Duty (PlayStation 3) – Longest gameplay marathon with a controller

The Guinness Book of World Records marks 135 hours as the longest gameplay session of Call of Duty, but it comes with a caveat: the record holder was allowed to take a 10-minute break for every hour of play, netting himself some much-needed naptimes once these breaks accumulated. Guinness allowed these rests after a teenager died while in his 40th consecutive hour of Diablo 3 in a separate record attempt. Indeed, spending six days in a nonstop warzone would destroy anyone’s psyche. Mind you, this is the record for gameplay marathons with a controller in your hand, but you won’t believe what surpassed this astounding accomplishment.

Why you’ll never beat this score: The number of tweens cursing you out for no reason over your headset.

Just Dance 4 (Xbox 360) – Longest gameplay marathon

This California school teacher’s video game record will exhaust you just hearing about it. You know that Call of Duty record I just mentioned? It used to be the longest gameplay marathon record ever, until Carrie Swidecki broke it playing Just Dance 4—let that sink in for a moment. Swidecki set three world records at the same time while playing a dance game where you’re up and moving around the entire time. By dancing until the 138 hour mark, she set the world records for longest video game marathon of all time, longest marathon playing a dance game, and longest marathon with a motion-sensing game. Through her fondness for Just Dance 4, Swidecki dropped 80 lbs and raised over $7,000 to support children’s health-related charities. Hats off to you!

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