AbsinthTears Gaming

PS Plus Essential (Playstation Plus/PS+) September 2023

Post has published by AbsinthTears

Playstation Plus/PS Plus/PS+ “Essential” September 2023

Here is the PS Plus Essential games for September 2023:

  • Saints Row (PS4 & PS5)
  • Black Desert – (Traveller Edition) (with DLC) (PS4)
  • Generation Zero (PS4 & PS5)

Dont forget that you have until midnight on the 4th September to add these to your collection: Dreams (PS4 & PS5), PGA Tour 2k23 (PS5 & PS4) & Death’s Door (PS4 & PS5).

Be sure to add the above to your PS Plus collection and play as you please, even if you havent got a PS5 yet, still add them so you can play them in the future!

A Brand new selection of Abs-Merch is launching with my own artwork – be sure to check it out: https://absinthtears.com/shop/?orderby=date
Every purchase helps to support me – thank you!

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Feel free to take a nosey: https://AbsinthTears.com/shop


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