Difficulty: 3/10
Duration: 40 minutes to 1 hour
Total trophies: 1
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: None as level select is available

A very easy Platinum which will take you no more than 1 hour to complete.
Thunder Paw is developed by Sergio Poverony and published Ratalaika Games. Discover a pixel-art platformer with five different levels and different scenarios, as well as a ton of weapons to be used which should not take you longer than 1 hour to complete with the guide.
Gameplay Tips
- Before starting the game, go in to the “SETTINGS” and put the difficulty level on EASY to speed things up a little.
- Remember to collect every Secret Box before finishing a level. Otherwise you need to repeat it from “Level Select” and collect the missed one.
Step by Step Walkthrough/Roadmap
- follow the below steps:
A Big Explosion – Start the game.
Secret Box 1 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 1.
Secret Box 2 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 2.
Secret Box 3 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 3.
Secret Box 4 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 4.
The Monkey – Defeat the 1st boss.
Secret Box 5 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 5.
Secret Box 6 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 6.
Secret Box 7 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 7.
Secret Box 8 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 8.
The Fox – Defeat the 2nd boss.
Secret Box 9 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 9.
Secret Box 10 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 10.
Secret Box 11 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 11.
Secret Box 12 – Find the Hidden Box on Level 12.
Platinum Paw – Get all the trophies
Happy hunting and congrats.
Platinum Paw

Get all the trophies

Unlock all other trophies to bag the Platinum
A Big Explosion

Start the game

Simply start a new game
Secret Box 1

Find the Hidden Box on Level 1

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 1. It’s located on a edge on the left of the second checkpoint. Jump on the moving platforms and you will find it easily (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 2

Find the Hidden Box on Level 2

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 2. It’s located near the end of the level, you will see a little cliff where you can jump. The box is up here (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 3

Find the Hidden Box on Level 3

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 3. It’s located on the left of the moving platforms. Instead of going right, turn back and junp on the other moving platform. Kill the enemy to reach the box (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 4

Find the Hidden Box on Level 4

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 4. From the beginning of the level, keep going up and you will find it easily (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 5

Find the Hidden Box on Level 5

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 5. It’s located on the far down left of the level (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 6

Find the Hidden Box on Level 6

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 6. It’s located When you reach the first moving platform, go straight down and you will see it on your left (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 7

Find the Hidden Box on Level 7

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 7. It’s located behind two enemies that you need to defeat while standing on a moving platform (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 8

Find the Hidden Box on Level 8

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 8. At the beginning of the level, head down and reach the third exclamation point. Here jump down carefully while staying close to the edge (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 9

Find the Hidden Box on Level 9

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 9. It’s located over your head. Procced through the level until you find a moving platform, jump on it then basically do a U-Turn back at the spawn point paying attention to not fall down (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 10

Find the Hidden Box on Level 10

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 10. It’s located on the highest cliff of the level near the exit. Take the moving platform near it to reach the secret box (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 11

Find the Hidden Box on Level 11

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 11. To reach it, jump over a suspended platform after the second checkpoint. Pay attention that it’s not the first box you find but the second one so jump on the other cliff to collect it (see time markers on above video if stuck)
Secret Box 12

Find the Hidden Box on Level 12

To get this trophy, you need to find the secret box on Level 12. It’s located on the far up right of the level (see time markers on above video if stuck)
The Monkey

Defeat the 1st Boss

This will be the first boss you will find in the game. Basically he will run back and forth while throwing grenades. Pay attention that the less health he has, the faster he becomes and throws more grenades, if stuck feel free to watch the above vid guide and use the Time Markers to skip to the 1st Boss “The Monkey”
The Fox

Defeat the 2nd Boss

This will be the second boss you will face up in the game. He uses a jetpack to fly and shoots at you frequently, so keep the distances and only attack him when he gets close to you. If stuck feel free to watch the above vid guide and use the Time Markers to skip to the 2nd Boss “The Fox”