Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Total trophies: 1
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: A total of 39 stages
Number of missable trophies: all can be missed: 6
It should take you 1 hour and a half to complete.
Streets of Rogue is a rogue-lite about player choice, freedom, and anarchic fun, developed by Matt Dabrowski. The game takes inspiration from fast-paced top-down rogue-lites like Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne, and adds free-form, experimentation-driven, emergent gameplay elements of RPGs like Deus Ex.
Rather than taking place in a dungeon, the game is set in a functioning, procedurally generated city, where complex AI informs denizens from all walks of life, who are just trying to get by in their daily activities.
This deep, original rogue-lite sees you picking one of 24 classes and fighting, stealing and sabotaging your way through sets of increasingly tougher levels. As with many in the genre, Streets of Rogue has a lot of systems and mechanics to learn which, when mastered, will help keep you alive and progress further on a run. While there’s no substitute for diving in and getting your hands dirty, discovering and practicing these features for yourself, we’ve gathered some handy hints to help get you started
Gameplay Tips/Beginners Guide
Whereas some of the above are good starting points, you should really give each character a go at least once. Each has their own unique abilities, pros and cons, and you may be surprised by how differently some of them play. Not only could you be avoiding a character that’s a perfect match for your play style, but you’re also missing out if you don’t experience the variety of classes available in Streets of Rogue.
There are a lot of containers scattered throughout Streets of Rogue’s levels. Don’t just rush through the objectives – take your time to loot as much food, money and items as you can from the trash cans and other containers, as this will pay off later in your run.
Unless you have a good reason to do so – For those that you do have to kill, try stealthier methods where possible. Placing contaminants in a building ventilation, for example – even non-deadly substances, like cigarettes – will spook the occupants into evacuation
If you’re trying to break into a building more stealthily, knock on windows and doors to grab the attention of its occupants. This can give you a ‘window’ of opportunity. If you time it right, you can knock on a door, let the NPC open it and step out, then follow them in just as they turn back around. Effortless trespassing!
Switching weapons slows down time temporarily. If the on-screen action is getting too hectic, you can use this to your advantage – keep changing weapons and you’ll induce a sort of hacky bullet-time, giving you some time to breathe and deal with the situation at hand.
With some deft footwork, you can save your skin by turning your enemies on each other. If someone is attacking you, position yourself near a police officer. If you dodge their bullets and they hit the copper, that cop will retaliate. Then all you have to do is slip away and leave them to it.
If you’ve looted a syringe and don’t know what’s in it, it can be very risky to try it out on yourself. Instead, use the substance on a building’s ventilation system – especially if it’s a building you needed to break into anyway. It’ll scare the occupants into evacuating, and if it pumps a beneficial effect into the air you can enter to gain the buff yourself.
While it pays off to be a little strategic with the use of your good loot, don’t be too precious over it – Streets of Rogue’s unpredictable rogue-lite nature means that you never know what’s coming next. If an item can save your skin right now, use it, don’t worry about whether you’ll need it later or not. Inventory management can also be an issue as you get further into a run, which is only exacerbated by clinging on to too many items unnecessarily.
This tip also goes for money – don’t be afraid to stock up on the health items and equipment you need. There’s no benefit to being a Scrooge when you’re dead from under-preparedness.
Like a Rogue

Unlock all other trophies

Unlock all other trophies to bag the Platinum
Adapting to City Life

Complete Any Floor

You can easily get this by completing Slums 1-1

Unlock playable character

Kill 20 people in a single floor, then complete the floor
Didn’t Skip the Tutorial

Complete the tutorial

Play through the tutorial at the start without skipping it. If you have skipped it, look for the NPC standing near the elevator shortcut in Home base to redo it

Unlock playable character

Free a gorilla from a Scientist lab
Industrial Idol

Complete Industrial

Complete Industrial 2-3, which will include a Disaster Level unless disabled via Mutators

Unlock playable character

Achieve Destruction Level 75 in a single level. You can use the Giantizer that the Scientist starts with
Savior of the Slums

Complete slums

Complete Slums 1-3, which will include a Disaster Level unless disabled via Mutators

Unlock playable character

Pollute 5 Air Filtration Systems (can be done over multiple runs)

Unlock playable character

Beat any floor with 5 different non-custom characters. Easiest to do with Slums 1-1

Unlock playable character

Spend 1500 money in total (can be done over multiple runs)

Unlock playable character

Destroy 20 Gravestones in a single run

Unlock playable character

Kill a Ghost. The Scientist starts off with a Ghost-killing weapon

Unlock playable character

Clear any level without killing or alerting anyone

Unlock playable character

Drink 10 alcoholic beverages in a single run. Buy from the Bartender as many as you can, and neutralizing them will also sometimes yield a beverage or two

Unlock playable character

Kill anyone (including yourself) with a Banana Peel. Note that it does 5 damage

Unlock playable character

Bribe 3 cops (can be done over multiple runs)

Unlock playable character

Extinguish 5 fires during a single run
Creative Genius

Create a custom character

You can do this when you’re about to start a run
Fast Food

Make a Refrigerator “Run”

Hack a Refrigerator and select the “Run” option. Play as Hacker to start with Hacking Tool and Laptop
Downtown Diva

Complete downtown

Complete Downtown 4-3, which will include a Disaster Level unless disabled via Mutators
Flat Earther

Fall off the edge of the map

Just walk along the rails of the Mine Cart / Train track until you reach the edge of the map
Gangster (Blahd)

Unlock playable character

Neutralize 10 Gangster (Crepe) in a single run

Unlock elevator access

Complete Slums 1-3 with 5 different characters
Investment Banker
Investment Banker

Unlock playable character

Hold 500 money at once in a single run

Kill everyone in a level

Best to do this on Slums 1-1 with a combat-focused character like Soldier

Unlock elevator access

Complete Industrial 2-3 with 5 different characters
Park President
Park President

Complete Park

Complete Park 3-3, which will include a Disaster Level unless disabled via Mutators
Potent Mix
Potent Mix

Have four status effects at once

Save up 4 Syringes (or items that give status effects) and use them all at once
Safe Travels
Safe Travels

Nicely ask an NPC to leave a level

If the NPC is Loyal there is a 70% chance they will leave. (78% chance with Four-Leaf Clover). If an NPC is Aligned or Submissive, they will always leave when asked to

Electrocute someone in water

Shoot someone with a Taser while the person is in water

Unlock playable character

Purchase 4 Slaves (can be done over multiple runs)

Kill the killer robot

Only appears on the corresponding disaster level. Don’t forget about Invincible syringes! Can be killed with EMP Grenades, with melee in Giant form, with Time Bomb, or pushed into a hole (Leafblower can help there). Also can make use of Wall Turrets or Fire-Spewers
Uptown Upper-Cruster
Uptown Upper-Cruster

Complete uptown

Complete Uptown 5-3, which will include a Disaster Level unless disabled via Mutators

Unlock playable character

Beat the Slums using only your Fists. Switch off auto-equip of weapons and/or use characters like the Gorilla that cannot use projectile weapons

Unlock playable character

Beat the Slums using the Vampire
Hostile Takeover
Hostile Takeover

Neutralise mayor

Kill, knock out, arrest, or otherwise neutralize the Mayor
Quest Conqueror
Quest Conqueror

Complete any Big Quest

Complete any Big Quest without using the Sandbox Mutator
You Rule
You Rule

Complete Mayor Village

Complete Mayor Village
Creature feature
Creature feature

Kill a Vampire while playing a Werewolf

Kill a Vampire. They spawn in Park, Downtown and Uptown

Unlock elevator access

Complete Park 3-3 with 5 different characters
Fountain of Life
Fountain of Life

Poison a water body with Resurrection Shampoo

Insert a Resurrection Shampoo into a Water Pump, at either a pond in the Park or a bathhouse in Uptown
Ironic Killer
Ironic Killer

Kill someone by throwing a Gravestone at them

Play Wrestler or a custom character with Toss. Get someone to low health, then grab a Gravestone from a graveyard and toss it at them
Murderous Mixologist
Murderous Mixologist

Give someone a Cyanide Cocktail

Play as the Bartender and use your Drink Mixer on a Cyanide Pill to turn it into a deadly Cocktail, then serve that drink to anyone
Slaver Enslaver
Slaver Enslaver

Enslave a Slavemaster

Play as the Slavemaster and use his Taser and Enslave combo to enslave an NPC Slavemaster
The Best Around
The Best Around

Win an Arena fight

The Arena appears in Downtown. Easiest with a Melee-focused Character like the Jock or Wrestler
True Believer
True Believer

Find the Alien

You need to find a Satellite Dish, which only naturally appear in Uptown as well as a Wrench and Tech-Expert. Re-adjust the Satellite Dish using the Wrench or Hacking Tool and then overload the Satellite using the Computer

Unlock elevator access

Complete Downtown 4-3 with 5 different characters
Legal Takeover
Legal Takeover

Win an election

Win the election by having positive electability on most floors
Peaceful Takeover
Peaceful Takeover

Win without winning election or neutralizing Mayor

Pickpocket the Mayor, threaten him or buy the hat from him
The Bad Ending
The Bad Ending

Find the Bad Ending

Push the Mayor’s Hat into a hole. This can be done with a melee attack, explosives, and so forth