AbsinthTears Gaming

PS Plus PS5/PS4 Games for April 2022 Leaked early

And yet another PlayStation Plus free games leak. A user on the Dealabs forum since October of last year, has been leaking PS Plus lineups and they’ve been spot-on every-time. According to the new leak, April 2022’s PS Plus games lineup will include Slay the Spire, Hood: Outlaws & Legends, and SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated.

A lot will have been expecting more, especially with the reveal of Project Spartacus yesterday.

  • Slay the Spire

A deck-building game with overarching roguelike systems, Slay the Spire is one of the most approachable and compelling entries in recent years.

  • Hood: Outlaws & Legends

is an online multiplayer game that could be compared to Payday, except with a medieval and with Robin Hood and his merry-men setting. Matches feature two teams of four players working toward stealing the treasure. Not only do you have to worry about the other team, but there are also computer-controlled enemies to tackle such as the Sheriff too.

  • SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated

is a remake of the 2003 platformer of the same name. While the remake was received rather pants. If you have kids in the house who like SpongeBob, maybe they will like it. It seems quite a random game for PSPlus.

Make sure to bag this months March’s PS Plus free games before they leave on April 6. In other news, PlayStation has revealed its revamped PS Plus service, which includes three tiers and will start rolling out up until June.

Stay posted this evening for my PSPlus vid and huge discount code for April 2022.

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