Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 30 minutes but I’d say 1 hour
Total trophies: 1
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 12
Number of missable trophies: all can be missed: 0

A very easy Platinum which will take 30 minutes to complete.
Welcome to the One Night Stand Trophy Guide! This game is a visual novel developed by Kinmoku and published by Ratalaika Games.
Players take the role of a man who wakes up from a drunken one-night stand beside a stranger and must piece together the events of the previous night.
Walkthrough Video Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Gameplay Tips
- During this step, you have to play the game while folllowing the walkthrough provided a little bit further down the guide. The text walkthrough is easier to follow than the video but if you prefer the visaul way, just make sure to slow down the video because some options can be missed (chosen dialogue options will vibrate the pad a little bit when this option is selected in the game settings).
Step by Step Walkthrough/Roadmap
This game is an easy one if you follow a text Walkthrough because every action you do in the game can trigger a different ending. Remember to change the text setting to FAST-FORWARD to ALL TEXT and enable the auto-play setting in the settings before each playthrough/New Game as it does reset.
For the sake of this text walkthrough there will be some saves to speed things along a little and cut down on another additional playthrough.
There will also be two OPTIONAL SAVE just in case you don’t want to repeat a playthrough.
NOTE: When you choose to leave the house, you’ll be limited in your time/actions to successfully find the key (which is set in a random place) and get out the door, so it’s best to make a save just before searching for it. The places where you can find the key are the Jacket, the Bag the Pink Pot and the Little Yellow Pot. When you have found the keys, use it on the Keyhole and turn the YALE/Latch lock of the door to exit.
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle object in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “YES“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “YES“;
– Choose to “TAKE A PHOTO“;
– Move left by selecting the left arrow on screen;
– Interact with the Panties;
– Choose to “TAKE THEM” and confirm by selecting “YES“;
– Interact with the Pills on the bedside table;
– Interact with the Bottle of Wine on the right of the bedside table;
– While speaking with the girl choose “ARE YOU OKAY?” and “A MEMENTO” ( In a Twist).
– Start a new game;
– Before interacting with your Phone, search and interact with the other 5 items on the out of focus screen;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle object in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “YES“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “YES“;
– Choose to “TAKE A PHOTO“;
– Move left by selecting the left arrow;
– Interact with the Wallet and choose to “INVESTIGATE“;
– Interact with all the objects on the Left side of the Wallet (Bottom Left Card, the Middle Left Card and the Top Left Card) and choose “ROBIN“;
– Interact with all the cards on the Right side of the Wallet (Top Right Card, the Middle Right Card and the Bottom Right Card);
– Interact with the Little Pink Box under the lamp on the bedside table and choose “YES“;
– Interact with the Romance Novel -Eyes of Embrace- on the bedside table and choose the dialogue option “TRASHY“;
– While speaking with the girl choose “HEY“, “ROMANCE NOVEL“, “TIME“, “I FEEL TERRIBLE“; “PAINKILLERS” as dialogue options;
– Choose “COOL” after the dialogue with the girl;
– Move left by selecting the left arrow again and interact with the Socks on the ground on the bottom right;
– Move to the right and interact with the Photo Frame on the Dresser;
– While speaking with the girl again choose the following dialogue options: “EARRINGS“, “I DON’T REMEMBER“, “PLEASE DO“, “AND THEN?”
– Interact with the Bookshelf in front of you;
– Interact with the Dresser and watch yourself at the Mirror;
– During the new dialogue choose the following dialogue options: “PHOTOGRAPH“, “HER DAD?“, “NO“, “MY FRIENDS“;
– When she goes away, select to “HELP HER“;
– Choose “A MEMENTO” as dialogue option (Going Viral).
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle object in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “NO“;
– Interact with the Bookshelf in front of you;
– Interact with the Laptop on the dresser and choose “YES“;
– Interact with the Makeups behind the Laptop on the Dresser;
– Interact with the DVD Case on theBookshelf and choose “INTERESTING” as dialogue option;
– During the dialogue choose the following dialogue options: “…“, “FORGET IT“, “…“, “I’M ALRIGHT“, “NOTHING“;
– Choose “WEIRD” after the dialogue with the girl;
– Move to the right:
– Pick up your Jeans on the floor;
– Interact with her Clothes in the top left corner to trigger a dialogue;
– Select “FORGET IT“, “SANDBAR” and “THERE’S NO NEED” as dialogue options;
– Move to the right again;
– Interact with your Phone and with the Condom on its left;
– During the new dialogue choose “MOVIE” ( Coming Soon), “YES“, “MY HOBBIES“;
– Move to the right again and look up at the Flyer and interact with the Block Notes all the way to the right;
– Choose to “HELP HER” when she leaves the room;
– During the dialogue choose “I NEED TO SEE YOU AGAIN” ( Heading Separate Ways).
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle object in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “NO“;
– Head right and pick up your Jeans and take a look to the Flyer;
– Go left twice;
– Interact with the Romance Novel -Eyes of Embrace- on the bedside table and choose the dialogue option “TRASHY“;
– During the dialogue choose “ARE YOU OKAY?“, “ROMANCE NOVEL“, “HANGOVER” “IT’S JUST A HANGOVER“, “COFFEE“, “WHITE“;
– Choose “NICE” after the dialogue with the girl;
– Click on the Bookshelf in front of you and interact with the Guitar on its right;
– Answer “YES” at the question Should I play her guitar?;
– Choose these following dialogue options in the next dialogue: “GUITAR“, “MUSIC STYLE“, “PARADOX“;
– MAKE A SAVE in the first slot BEFORE continuing with the dialogue;
– After making the save, choose the following choice: “THERE’S NO NEED“;
– Click on the Bookshelf in front of you and interact with the Teddy Bear and take the T-Shirt on the TV;
– During the new dialogue choose: “TEDDY BEAR“, “NO“, “MY HOBBIES“;
– When she leaves the room, choose to “HELP HER”
– When you speak again with her, choose to “CONTINUE CONVERSATION“;
– MAKE A SAVE in the second slot BEFORE continuing with the dialogue;
– After making the save, proceed through the dialogue and choose “STAY FRIENDS” and “NO” as dialogue options ( Friend Request);
– Load savefile from the second slot;
– Select “NO PROBLEM” as dialogue option ( That’s a Wrap!);
– Load savefile from the first slot;
– Choose “PLEASE DO” and “AND THEN?” as dialogue options;
– Click on the Bookshelf, then interact with the Top Shelves and the Vinyl Collection on the bottom shelf;
– During the next dialogue choose the following options: “VINYL COLLECTION“, “NICE COLLECTION“, “NO“, “MY PERSONALITY“;
– Choose to “WAIT” when she leaves the room;
– Move left and interact with the Notepad under the Romance Novel -Eyes of Embrace-;
– Select “YES” and “ROMANTIC” when you are prompted to do so;
– Head to the right and interact with the DVD Case on the Bookshelf and choose “INTERESTING” as dialogue option (True Detective);
– In the next dialogue choose “OFFER TO LEAVE” and “NO PROBLEM“.
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle object in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose to “GET OUT OF HERE“;
– Move to the right and grab your Jeans on the floor;
– Move to the left and grab your T-Shirt on the TV;
– Look into the Photo Frame on the Dresser to trigger a dialogue;
– Choose the following dialogue options: “HEY“, “FORGET IT“, “HANGOVER“, “IT’S JUST A HANGOVER“, “NOTHING“;
– When she leaves the room, select “WEIRD” as option;
– Move to the left and pick up your Socks on the ground on the bottom right of the screen;
– Press the GO HOME box in the bottom middle of the screen and be ready to save the game;
– OVERWRITE THE SAVE in the first slot BEFORE continuing with the game;
– After saving, search for the Key. It’s set in a random place between the Jacket, the Bag, the Pink Pot and the Little Yellow Pot. If you don’t find it in a short time exit to the main menu and reload the savefile;
– After finding the Key, interact with the door’s lock to unlock it and leave the house ( No Time to Waste);
– Load savefile game from the first slot and keep interacting with all the items without unlocking the door.
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle object in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “YES“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “YES“;
– Choose to “TAKE A PHOTO“;
– Choose to “GET OUT OF HERE“;
– Move to the right and grab your Jeans on the floor;
– Move to the left and grab your T-Shirt on the TV;
– Move to the left again and pick up your Socks;
– During the dialogue, choose the following options: “HEY“, “TIME“, “I FEEL TERRIBLE“, “PAINKILLERS“;
– Choose “COOL” after the dialogue with the girl;
– Move to the left and inspect the Pills on the bedside table;
– Interact with the Romance Novel -Eyes of Embrace- on the bedside table and choose the dialogue option “TRASHY“;
– During the new dialogue, choose these diualogue options: “PILLS“, “MY HANGOVER” (Pill Seeker,
At Least You can Dress Yourself,
Walk of Shame).
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle object in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose to “GO BACK TO SLEEP“;
– Go right and pick up your Jeans from the floor;
– Move left and pick up your T-Shirt on the TV;
– Head to the left again and pick up your Socks;
– During the dialogue, choose the following dialogue options: “…“, “…“, “I’M ALRIGHT“, “NOTHING”
– Choose “COOL” after the dialogue with the girl;
– Go to the left and inspect her Panties but choose to “LEAVE THEM ALONE“;
– Move to the right and interact with the Guitar but answer “NO” at the question Should I play her guitar?;
– During the second dialogue with the girl, choose these following dialogue options: “FORGET IT“, “I DON’T REMEMBER“, “THERE’S NO NEED“;
– Head to the right and interact with your Phone and with the Condom to trigger a new dialogue;
– Select “FORGET IT“, “…” ( The Silent Type) and “MY FRIENDS” as dialogue options;
– Choose to “WAIT” when she leaves the room and click on the GO HOME box in the bottom middle of the screen;
– Answer “YES” to the question should I still leave?:
– SAVE THE GAME in the third slot (OPTIONAL SAVE) if you want to be sure to not get caught & save yourself another playthrough while searching for the Key;
– Search for the Key. It’s set in a random place between the Jacket, the Bag the Pink Pot and the Little Yellow Pot;
– After finding the Key, interact with the door’s lock to unlock it and leave the house ( No Matter What).
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “YES“;
– Choose to “TAKE A PHOTO“;
– Go left and check the Wallet on the bedside table by choosing to “INVESTIGATE“;
– Inspect only the Bottom Left Card then click on the STOP SEARCHING box in the bottom middle of the screen;
– Check the Romance Novel -Eyes of Embrace- and select “FANTASTIC!” when prompted;
– Inspect the Pills to trigger a dialogue;
– During the dialogue, choose the following dialogue options: “HEY“, “ROMANCE NOVEL“, “HER“, “IT’S JUST A HANGOVER“, “COFFEE“, “FANCY” (Dusting Off the Chair);
– Choose “COOL” after the dialogue with the girl;
– Go left again to interact with the the Little Pink Box under ther lamp on the bedside table and choose “YES“;
– Interact with the Bottle of Wine on the right of the bedside table to trigger a dialogue;
– During the dialogue, choose the following dialogue options: “WINE” and “HEARTBEAT’S BAR” ( A True Walk of Shame).
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose to “GO BACK TO SLEEP“;
– Go right and pick up your Jeans from the floor;
– Go left and interact with the Photo Frame then look yourself at the Mirror;
– During the dialogue, choose the following dialogue options: “HEY“, “PHOTOGRAPH“, “A RELATIVE?“, “HER“, “I’M ALRIGHT“, “COFFEE“, “WHITE“;
– Choose “NICE” after the dialogue with the girl;
– Click on the Bookshelf in front of you and pick up your T-Shirt on the TV;
– Inspect the Vinyl Collection on the bottom shelf of the Bookshelf to trigger another dialogue;
– Choose “VINYL COLLECTION“, “…TO A NICE TIME?“, “I DON’T REMEMBER“, “PLEASE DO” and “OKAY” as dialogue options;
– Click again on the Bookshelf and interact with the Guitar;
– Answer “NO” at the question Should I play her guitar?;
– Inspect the Teddy Bear on the Bookshelfto trigger another dialogue;
– During the dialogue, choose the following dialogue options: “GUITAR” and “REQUEST A SONG” ( Her Song).
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle object in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose to “GO BACK TO SLEEP“;
– MAKE A SAVE in the third slot BEFORE continuing with the game;
– Move to the left and interact with the Wallet on the bedside table;
– Choose to “INVESTIGATE” and interact with every Card inside the Wallet;
– Choose “LOUISE” when you are prompted to make a choice;
– Move to the right and interact with the Laptop on the dresser;
– Answer “YES” to the question should I look into it?
– Select “LOUISE” between the three options (You Sure About That?);
– Exit to main menu and reload savefile from the third slot;
– Move to the left and interact with the Wallet on the bedside table;
– Choose to “LEAVE IT ALONE“;
– Check the Romance Novel -Eyes of Embrace- and select “TRASHY” when prompted;
– interact with the Notepad under the Romance Novel -Eyes of Embrace-;
– Select “YES” and “ROMANTIC” when you are prompted to do so;
– During the dialogue, choose the following dialogue options: “HEY“, “ROMANCE NOVEL“, “HER“, “I’M ALRIGHT“, “COFFEE“, “WHITE“;
– Choose “COOL” after the dialogue with the girl;
– Click on the Bookshelf in front of you and interact with the DVD Case;
– choose “INTERESTING” as dialogue option;
– Go right and pick up your Jeans to trigger a dialogue;
– During the dialogue, choose the following dialogue options: “MOVIE“, “I DON’T REMEMBER“, “PLEASE DO“, “AND THEN?“;
– Go left and interact with the Socks to pick them up;
– Interact with her Panties and choose to “LEAVE THEM ALONE”
– While speaking with the girl ask her about her “NOTEPAD” (The Romantic Type);
– Exit to main menu and reload the savefile from the third slot;
– Move to the left and interact with the Wallet on the bedside table;
– Choose to “INVESTIGATE” and interact with the Top Left Card and with the Bottom Left Card inside the Wallet;
– Choose “NEITHER” when you are prompted to make a choice (A Rose By Any Other Name);
– Stop Searching inside the Wallet;
– Go to the right and inspect with the Laptopon the dresser;
– Choose “YES” when prompted and then select “STILL NEITHER“;
– Keep pressing on the “GO HOME” box in the bottom middle of the screen ( Run of Shame).
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle object in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “YES“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “YES“;
– Choose to “TAKE A PHOTO“;
– Choose to “GO BACK TO SLEEP“;
– Go to the left, interact with her Pantiesand choose to “TAKE THEM“;
– Answer with “YES” to the question should I really take them?;
– Move right and pick up your T-Shirt on the TV;
– Head right again and grab your Jeans too;
– During the dialogue, choose the following dialogue options: “HEY“, “HER“, “I’M ALRIGHT“, “NOTHING“;
– Choose “NICE” after the dialogue with the girl;
– Click on on the “GO HOME” box in the bottom middle of the screen;
– SAVE THE GAME and overwrite the one on the third slot (OPTIONAL SAVE) if you want to be sure to not get caught & waste time on another playthrough while searching for the Key;
– Search for the Key. It’s set in a random place between the Jacket, the Bag the Pink Pot and the Little Yellow Pot;
– After finding the Key, interact with the door’s lock to unlock it and leave the house ( A Frilly Memento).
– Start a new game;
– Interact with your Phone (rectangle object in the middle of the screen);
– Choose the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose again the dialogue option “NO“;
– Choose to “GO BACK TO SLEEP“;
– Click on the Bookshelf in front of you and interact with the DVD Case;
– choose “INTERESTING” as dialogue option;
– Head left and interact with the Socks on the ground on the bottom right;
– Go right twice and grab your Jeans too;
– During the dialogue, choose the following dialogue options: “ARE YOU OKAY?“, “MOVIE“, “HER“, “I’M ALRIGHT“, “COFFEE“, “WHITE”;
– Choose “NICE” after the dialogue with the girl;
– Move to the left and interact with the Romance Novel -Eyes of Embrace- and select “TRASHY” when prompted;
– Move right and pick up your T-Shirt on the TV to trigger another dialogue;
– Choose the following dialogue options: “ROMANCE NOVEL“, “I DON’T REMEMBER“, “PLEASE DO“, “AND THEN?“;
– Click on the Bookshelf in front of you and interact with the Vinyl Collection on the bottom shelf;
– Look yourself up at the Mirror to trigger a dialogue;
– During the dialogue, choose the following dialogue options: “VINYL COLLECTION“, “… TO A NICE TIME!“, “NO“, “MY HOBBIES“;
– “HELP HER” when she leaves the room;
– Choose these following dialogue options: “OFFER HELP“, “STAY FRIENDS“;
– Enter your name “NAME” when prompted ( True Friends).
Now that you have all the endings, in the main menu on the phone you should see a message notification in the bottom right corner. Select the message to unlock Good Night and finally
One Night Stand.
Trophy Guide:
One Night Stand

Get all other trophies.

Unlock all other trophies to bag the Platinum
That’s A Wrap!

That’s why they call it a one night stand

Check Ending N°4 and 5 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
You don’t have to be thrown out by her and you have to decide to don’t proceed for further relationships.
Heading Separate Ways

You got rejected

Check Ending N°3 section of the text walkthrough for further details on how to earn this trophy.
You have to annoy her and then ask her to stay in touch.
Friend Request

You became friends

Check Ending N°4 and 5 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
You need to make specific choices in order to not annoy her. When she leaves the room because of her sickness, make sure to “WAIT” then choose “STAY FRIENDS” and leave the house.
True Friends

Honesty really is the best policy

Check Ending N°14 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
You need to make specific choices in order to not annoy her. When she leaves the room because of her sickness, make sure to “HELP HER” then choose “STAY FRIENDS” and leave the house.
No Time To Waste

Escaped quickly and clothed

Check Ending N°6 and 7 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
To get this trophy, interact with all your clothes (Jeans, T-Shirt and Socks) then click on the “GO HOME” box to escape. Find the Key and the trophy will be yours.
No Matter What

Escaped during her moment of need

Check Ending N°9 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
Near the end of a playthrough she will leave the room because of her sicknees. Make sure to “WAIT” then click on the “GO HOME” box to escape. Find the Key to pop the trophy.
In A Twist

You got caught wearing her underwear

Check Ending N°1 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
You need to interact with her Panties and “TAKE THEM“. Make sure to not grab your Jeans.
Going Viral

Sharing isn’t caring

Check Ending N°2 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
At rhe beginning of the game choose to “TAKE A PICTURE” of her and share it with Gary.
Walk Of Shame

You got thrown out

Check Ending N°8 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
You need to annoy her at your best and she will kick you out from her house.
Run of Shame

You made a break for it

Check Ending N°12 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
Keep on clicking on the “GO HOME” box to unlock this trophy
Her Song

She picked up her six-string

Check Ending N°11 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
You need to put her at ease because she won’t play her Guitar spontaneously. Inspect the Vinyl Collection on the bottom shelf of the Bookshelf and ask her about it, then check the Guitar on the rignt of the Bookshelf and ask her about it too.
A True Walk Of Shame!

You got thrown out without your clothes

Check Ending N°10 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
Annoy her at your best and don’t collect any of your clothes. She will kick you out from her house naked and you will get the trophy.
At Least You Can Dress Yourself

You got thrown out with your clothes on

Check Ending N°8 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
Annoy her at your best but collect all of your clothes this time. She will kick you out from her house and you will pop this one.
A Frilly Memento

You successfully stole a pair of her panties

Check Ending N°13 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
You need to interact with her Panties and “TAKE THEM“. Make sure to grab your Jeans this time.
You Sure About That?

You might want to double check the evidence…

Check Ending N°12 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
You will need to discover Robin’s alias, Louise, by investigating the Bottom Left and the Top Left Cards inside her Wallet. Then look up on her Laptop. When prompted, always choose “LOUISE“.
A Rose By Any Other Name

You chose not to believe anything

Check Ending N°12 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
You will need to investigate the Bottom Leftand the Top Left Cards inside her Wallet. Then look up on her Laptop. When prompted, always choose “NEITHER“.
Dusting Off The Chair

Order a fancy coffee

Check Ending N°10 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
During the first dialogue with the girl, she will ask if you want something. Choose “COFFEE” and order it “FANCY” to unlock the trophy.
Pill Seeker

Accuse her of drugging you

Check Ending N°8 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
During the first dialogue with the girl, she will ask if you want something. Choose “PAINKILLERS” then inspect the Pills on the bedside table. Ask about them in the next dialogue and choose “MY HANGOVER” as next dialogue option to earn the trophy.
The Silent Type

You choose to remain silent whenever possible

Check Ending N°9 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
During a playthrough choose the options “…” or any straight answers in order to not proceed with the dialogue.

You became a fan of Love IRL

Check Ending N°3 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
Inspect the DVD Case on the Bookshelf and select “INTERESTING” as option. Then ask about it (“MOVIE“) when you are speaking with the girl.
True Detective

You investigated every item in the game

You will need to interact once with every item in the game. This can’t be achieved in a single playthrough as there is little time. Furthermore, items will only count if you finish the game. If you are following the text walktrough, you will unlock it at the end of Ending N°4 and 5 section.
Good Night

You receive another message from Gary

After achieving all the endings of the game, you will see a message notification on your phone in the menu. Read it and you will bag yourself this shiny gold one.
The Romantic Type

You both felt the same way about the book, her writing and Love IRL

Continue speaking to the other animals
Check Ending N°12 section of the text walkthrough to discover how to unlock this trophy.
In a single playthrough you’ll have to investigate the following items:
- Romance Novel -Eyes of Embrace-;
- Notebook;
- DVD Case.
When prompted, ALWAYS ask about them and try to agree with her.