Konami’s Arcade Classics Anniversary – Platinum Trophy/Achievement Guide (2 hours max)
The new and Improved vid. The old video was hard to hear and was the first guide that i had put together on the channel over a year ago. So thanks to a few viewers i have re-worked the guide and here it is – unfortunately YT no longer allow us to insert audio into the old vid 🙂 – Enjoy
TwinBee 0:29
Scramble 2:25
Nemesis (also known as Gradius) 3:15
Salamander (also known as Life Force) 5:39
Typhoon (also known as A-Jax) 6:51
Vulcan Venture (also known as Gradius II) 8:13
Haunted Castle 9:01
Thunder Cross – Noticed i hadnt added this one 😮 – Its very simular to the sidescroll spaceship games, shoot everything, collect power-ups etc… Scores required for the two trophies are 300,000 & 600,000