AbsinthTears Gaming

Doodle Devil – Walkthrough | Trophy/Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10 with guide or 10/10 without

Duration: 1 to 2 hours

Total trophies: 9

Offline trophies: All

Online trophies: None

DLC: None

Minimum number of playthroughs: 1

Number of missable trophies: 4,Great Distortion, Lord of War, Unholy chain, The Evil Genius

Doodle Devil is a puzzle game ported from Mobile devices. If you have played Doodle God, this is exactly the same concept, but with different elements, most of them reflecting the negative side of the world. There are 190 elements in total across 19 groups.

Gameplay Tips

  • Make sure you don’t click on the light bulb on the left of the screen to get a hint and that includes pressing the Triangle button whilst in game by accident like I did by spamming triangle to get through the dialogue. So please approach with caution or you will have to start over not knowing which of the 4 episodes to do again.
  • There are only 2 episodes in Doodle Devil, with a combined 119 elements in total. When you start Episode 1, you will already have unlocked the first 4 elements of the 119 required, the elements being Apple + Human = Sin + Knowledge
  • You will unlock all of the trophies following this walkthrough, as long as you do not use any tips (the light-bulb on the left) as mentioned above. If you use any tips, you will void the trophy and trophy trophies.
  • If you did use any tips, then you only need to replay the Episodes that you used them in to unlock trophy, you do not need to play through the whole game again

Step by Step Walkthrough/Roadmap

Combinations for Episode 1;

  1. Earth + Fire = Lava
  2. Lava + Water = Steam + Stone
  3. Fire + Air = Energy
  4. Stone + Fire =Metal
  5. Fire + Beast = Ash
  6. Human + Human = Friendship + Life
  7. Life + Light = Angel
  8. Human + Angel = Prayer
  9. Human + Prayer = Heavens + Religion
  10. Beast + Darkness = Demon
  11. Human + Demon = Soul + Corpse
  12. Corpse + Soul = Resurrection
  13. Man + Woman = Sex
  14. Human+Life=Death
  15. Water+Death=Styx
  16. Energy+Demon=Magic
  17. Apple+Earth=Seeds
  18. Energy+Seeds=Coffee
  19. Earth+Seeds=Tree+Mushroom+Grass
  20. Seeds+Mushroom=Spore
  21. Life+Spore=Bacteria
  22. Fire+Grass=Tobacco
  23. Sin+Sin=Pride
  24. Sin+Religion=Heresy
  25. Sin+Corpse=Murder
  26. Sin+Sex=Lust
  27. Beast+Death=Ceberus
  28. Human+Darkness=Mutant
  29. Water+Demon=Cthulu
  30. Ash+Soul=Ghost
  31. Human+Beast=Werewolf
  32. Life+Corpse=Zombie
  33. Corpse+Zombie=Ghoul
  34. Stone+Magic=Egg
  35. Earth+Life=Worm
  36. Beast+Water=Fish
  37. Egg+Worm=Snake
  38. Human+Knowledge=Book
  39. Human+Coffee=Work
  40. Human+Heresy=Athiesm+Psychology
  41. Order+Demon=Copyright
  42. Knowledge+Copyright=Money
  43. Human+Copyright=Lawyer
  44. Human+Pride=Politician
  45. Pride+Politician=War

Combinations for Episode 2;

  1. Religion+Heresy=Sect
  2. Human+Tobacco=Diseases
  3. Human+War=Suffering
  4. Human+Murder=Inferno
  5. Earth+Knowledge=Oil
  6. Air+Inferno=Sulfur
  7. Water+Sulfur=Acid
  8. Oil+Acid=TNT
  9. Metal+TNT=Bomb
  10. Mushroom+Bomb=Nuclear Bomb
  11. War+Nuclear Bomb=Chaos
  12. Coffee+Tobacco=Poison
  13. Poison+Air=Poison Gas
  14. Human+Stone=House
  15. Human+Metal=Weapon
  16. Metal+Work=Mechanism
  17. Grass+Weapon=Razorvine
  18. Beast+Diseases=Rat
  19. Air+Rat=Pigeon
  20. Fish+Weapon=Piranha
  21. Sin+Money=Greed+Thef
  22. Sin+Greed=Envy
  23. Sin+Weapon=Wrath
  24. Sin+Work=Sloth
  25. Weapon+Beast=Food+Blood
  26. Suffering+Suffering=Torture
  27. Human+Torture=Leather
  28. Sin+Food=Gluttony
  29. Human+Blood=Vampire
  30. Air+Vampire=Bat
  31. Beast+Wrath=Wolf
  32. Energy+Metal=Electricity
  33. Corpse+Electricity=Frankenstein
  34. Sex+Money=Censored
  35. Human+Greed=Gambling
  36. Order+Chaos=Void
  37. Human+Diseases=Virus
  38. Life+Void=Alien
  39. Grass+Work=Cellulose
  40. Fire+Energy=Plasma
  41. Demon+Mechanism=TV
  42. Book+TV=Computer
  43. Computer+Life=AI
  44. Computer+Mechanism=Robot
  45. AI+Robot=Cyborg
  46. Air+Electricity=Radiowaves
  47. Oil+Mechanism=Car
  48. Radiowave+Computer=Cell Phone
  49. Computer+Computer=Internet
  50. Radiowave+Radiowave=Radioactivity
  51. Air+Car=Airplane
  52. Airplane+Void=Rocket
  53. Rocket+Alien=UFO
  54. Void+Rocket=Satellite
  55. Radiowave+Fire=Laser
  56. Fire+Oil=Napalm
  57. Weapon+Bomb=Cannon
  58. Water+Cannon=Battle Cruiser
  59. Air+Radiowave=Radar
  60. Airplane+Bomb=Bomber
  61. Air+Mechanism= Helicopter
  62. Fish+Battle Cruiser=Submarine
  63. Earth+Bomb=Land Mine
  64. Book+Magic=Spellbook
  65. Woman+Magic=Witch
  66. Pigeon+Witch=Crow
  67. Human+Acid=Skeleton
  68. Magic+Leather=Scroll
  69. Weapon+Magic=Wand
  70. Murder+Religion=Sacrifice
  71. Water+Magic=Potion
  72. Human+Energy=Wizard
  73. Wizard+Zombie=Necromancer
  74. Human+Wrath=Warrior
  75. Warrior+Metal=Armour
  76. Armour+Car=Tank
  77. Cellulose+Acid=Gunpowder
  78. Weapon+Gunpowder=Firearm
  79. Firearm+Magic=AK47
  80. Bomb+Rocket=Missile
  81. Missile+Weapon=Bazooka
  82. Firearm+Pride=Desert Eagle
  83. Fire+Weapon=Flamethrower
  84. Firearm+Warrior=Soldier
  85. Soldier+Bomb=Hand Grenade
  86. Earth+Earth=Earthquake
  87. Diseases+Chaos=Epidemic
  88. Spore+Bomb=Biological Weapon
  89. Poison Gas+Missile=Chemical Weapon
  90. Demon+Sect=Communism
  91. Politician+Politician=Democracy
  92. Water+Earthquake=Tsunami
  93. Biological Weapon+War=Armageddon
  94. Order+War=Army
  95. Army+Politician=Empire+Dictatorship
  96. Weapon+Inferno=BFG 9000
  97. Weapon+Plasma=Plasma Gun
  98. Alien+Weapon=Death Ray Gun
  99. Soldier+Void=Space Marine
  100. House+House=City
  101. Weapon+Void=Disintegrator
  102. Energy+Armour=Forcefield
  103. Rocket+Battle Cruiser=Spaceship
  104. City+Spaceship=Death Star
  105. Void+Bomb=Vacuum Bomb
  106. Knowledge+Knowledge=Scientist
  107. Politician+Money=Corruption
  108. Life+Internet=Cyberspace
  109. Knowledge+War=Surveillance
  110. Knowledge+Computer=Hacker
  111. War+Chaos=Terrorism
  112. Knowledge+Magic=Spell
  113. House+Armour=Castle
  114. House+Wizard=Tower
  115. Magic+Egg=Dragon
  116. Human+Light=Elf
  117. Beast+Snake=Hydra
  118. Beast+Magic=Unicorn
  119. Pigeon+Unicorn=Pegasus
  120. Fire+Pigeon=Phoenix



Create two new elements in a row!


Create two new elements in a row!

Devil’s Dozen


Create 13 different elements.


This has been reported to not unlock for some people. If it doesn’t after you have created all of the elements, reset your game save. This *should* unlock after your 13th element.

Forbidden Fruit


Complete the first episode


Complete episode 1, will come naturally

Accidental Well-doer


Complete the Good group.


The good group consists of the following:

  • Angel- Life + Light
  • Friendship- Human + Human
  • Heaven- Soul + Religion
  • Life- Human +Human
  • Light- Human + Apple
  • Order- Human + Apple
  • Prayer- Human + Angel
  • Religion- Human + Prayer
  • Resurrection- Corpse + Soul
  • Soul- Human + Demon


Complete this monster group. 


The monsters group consists of the following:

  • Cerebrus- Beast + Death
  • Cthulu- Water + Demon
  • Demon- Beast +Darkness
  • Frankenstein- Corpse + Electricity
  • Ghost- Ash + Soul
  • Ghoul- Corpse + Zombie
  • Mutant- Human + Darkness
  • Vampire- Human + Blood
  • Werewolf- Man + Beast
  • Zombie- Life + Corpse

Walking in God’s Shoes

Complete the Nature, Animals, and Plants groups


The Nature, Animal and Plants groups (three separate groups) consist of the following:


  • Air- Human + Apple
  • Ash- Fire + Beast
  • Earth- Human + Apple
  • Energy- Fire + Air
  • Fire- Human + Apple
  • Lava- Fire + Earth
  • Metal- Fire + Stone
  • Steam- Water + Fire
  • Stone- Water + Lava
  • Water- Human + Apple



  • Bat- Air + Vampire
  • Beast- Human + Apple
  • Egg- Stone + Magic
  • Fish- Beast + Water
  • Piranha- Fish + Weapon
  • Pigeon- Air + Rat
  • Rat- Beast + Diseases
  • Snake- Egg + Worm
  • Wolf- Beast + Wrath
  • Worm- Earth + Life


  • Apple (Default Element)
  • Bacteria- Life + Spore
  • Coffee- Energy + Seeds
  • Grass- Earth + Seeds
  • Mushroom- Earth + Seeds
  • Razorvine- Grass + Weapon
  • Seeds- Apple + Earth
  • Spore- Seeds + Mushroom
  • Tobacco- Fire + Grass
  • Tree- Earth + Seeds



Complete the Science group


The Science group consists of the following:

  • Alien- Life + Void
  • Cellulose- Grass + Work
  • Laser- Fire + Radiowave
  • Plasma- Fire + Energy
  • Radiation- Radiowave + Radiowave
  • Rocket- Airplane + Void
  • Satellite- Void +Rocket
  • UFO- Alien + Rocket
  • Virus- Human + Diseases
  • Void- Order + Chaos

Sweet Little Toys


Complete the Weapons and Military groups.


The Weapons and Military groups consist of the following:


  • Airplane- Air + Car
  • Battle Cruiser- Water + Cannon
  • Bomber- Airplane + Bomb
  • Cannon- Weapon + Bomb
  • Helicopter- Air + Mechanism
  • Land Mine- Earth + Bomb
  • Napalm- Fire + Oil
  • Radar- Air + Radiowave
  • Submarine- Fish + Battle Cruiser
  • Tank- Car + Armour


  • AK-47- Firearm+Magic
  • Armor- Metal+Warrior
  • Bazooka- Weapon + Missile
  • Desert eagle- Firearm + Pride
  • Firearm- Weapon + Gunpowder
  • Flamethrower- Fire + Weapon
  • Gunpowder- Cellulose +Acid
  • Hand grenade- Bomb + Soldier
  • Missile- Bomb + Rocket
  • Warrior- Human + Wrath

Space Superstar


Complete the Space War group.


The Space War group consists of the following:

  • BFG 9000- Weapon + Inferno
  • Death ray- Weapon + Alien
  • Death star- City + Spaceship
  • Disintegrator- Weapon + Void
  • Forcefield- Energy + Armour
  • Lightsaber- Laser + Forcefield
  • Plasma gun- Weapon + Plasma
  • Space marine- Soldier + Void
  • Spaceship- Rocket + Battle Cruiser
  • Vacuum bomb- Void + Bomb

Great Distortion


Complete second episode without using tips.


See The Evil Genius

Lord of War


Complete third episode without using any tips.


See The Evil Genius

Unholy Chain


Create 50 elements in a row


Easy with the guide, just be careful not to accidentally press the HINT button otherwise you will need to start over

The Evil Genius


Complete the game without using tips.


Easy with the guide, just be careful not to accidentally press the HINT button otherwise you will need to start over

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